Monday, 25 October 2010

A difference in state: Mass and Dark Matter.

In my earlier posts and illustrations, I tried to portray the interaction of objects with a state of mass against those without: I don't think I was very clear, and I am thinking now that I may have been off the mark. I tried to attribute gravity to the effect between 'perfect state' and 'altered state' matter, but I'm beginning to change my mind and think that, although there may be some inter-reaction between those states, their respective behaviours are not interdependent.

I like more and more the idea that our universe is a soup of a) Perfect energy (dark matter); b) 'altered state' matter, or 'perfect energy' that has somehow been stripped of a stabilising element thus giving it a gravitational quality, and c) energy - or the energy needed for that 'altered state' matter to return to its 'perfect state' form.

Gravity may just be an instability, the result of a 'perfect state' being divorced from the energy it needs to maintain that 'perfect' form. I almost got it right in my earlier illustration showing a 'perfect state' as three (why three, I don't know) objects, one of which is energy; I could in fact simplify it like so:

This would explain many things. I can easily imagine that the beginning of our universe was nothing but a soup of 'base elements' (G) and energy (E) left over from a cataclysmic disturbance great enough to separate them: If our laws of physics remain true (see 'Nuclear Fusion'), the energy needed for that soup to return to its original state would be enormous; it is even possible that our universe does not contain enough energy for that event to ever occur. Thus, in the presence of an enormous amount of energy, but not enough energy to return to their original form, the base elements of our universe recuperated what energy they could, and in regrouping according to their energy content and number of 'base elements', formed what became the hydrogen atoms that were the origin of everything 'solid' in the universe we know today.

I can try to extend this theory to the formation of atoms themselves: it would seem reasonable that 'base energy' elements that have recuperated some of their former energy potential would bond with others that haven't: this would follow the behaviour of quarks that form, always in three, neutrons and protons. Electrons could have formed at the very beginning of the big bang, as 'base energy' elements that had achieved stability through their negative charge (no charge?), but it is also possible that they are the result of a secondary cataclysm caused by the first fusion of (electron-less) hydrogen nuclei. Everything else is a spectrum of 'free energy'.

Vacuum == 'Dark matter'?

The behaviour/existence of photons is still a mystery to many in the scientific world today. Is a photon a particle, and does it have mass? It is proven that a photon can contribute/subtract mass to/from an atom or atomic structure, but this phenomena is attributed to the photon's energy content; energy added to an existing mass increases that mass without adding any additional material content. The speed of light is calculated on the rate at which a photon travels through a vacuum - or its rate of travel through space containing no discernible obstacle.

This never ceases to puzzle me. Why, when we observe the behaviour of energy in more 'material' objects, should the rules change when the 'energy carrier' decreases in density? Objects made up of 'loosely' tied atoms absorb energy because of the volume of 'free electrons' they contain, and objects of densely packed atoms (namely crystalline structures) let light pass because they have few energy-absorbing free electrons; crystalline structures are in fact photon carriers.

When we observe the behaviour of light through crystalline structures, namely lenses, we can see that they can 'bend' light depending on their form. Light passing through lenses in fact not 'bent', but deflected: light exiting a crystalline structure will do so in a direction away from the thickest part of the lens, or the part of the lens containing the most speed-reducing atoms.

Doesn't the vacuum we call space behave in the same way? It is known that gravity can 'bend' light, a phenomena often attributed to the hypothetical gravitational qualities of photons themselves, but what if it was not the photon itself that was being deviated by gravity, but its carrier?

This makes perfect sense to me. Take, for example, light travelling past a black hole: if the gravitational pull is greater towards the centre of the black hole, so is the mass density; light has more density/gravity to go through on its side towards the black hole, so its path until the point where the gravitational pull is strongest, it will be deflected away; once past the gravitational apogee, if the black hole is perfectly spherical, the light will be deflected back towards its original path.

I wouldn't be surprised if gravity has no effect on light at all. If light depended on a 'carrier' that exists even in an environment we consider to be a 'vacuum', we could do away with the 'electromagnetic quality' theories about photons; photons would become a form of energy whose transmission depends on the quality of its carrier, and would behave just like any other energy known to us.

This leads me to believe that there is no such thing as 'nothing'. If the 'vacuum' of space was in fact a sea of inert 'perfect state' matter, or a material that some scientists are beginning to call 'dark matter', this would simplify the spectral map, and behaviour, of our universe's elements enormously.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

The Theory of Everything - In a nutshell.

Okay, a picture is worth a thousand words, so I've created a few diagrams outlining my idea.

Here we have our two states, Base Energy, or the 'foundation' upon all is built, and Reduced Energy, the mass-creating state that is the base of everything we know.

The first diagram seems to indicate direction, but we're talking about states here, so let's simplify things by taking movement out of the equation.

The above diagram describes the present state of my theory - of what is Base Energy composed? I am persuaded that it is at a 'higher' state than the elements visible in our universe. Elements we know closest to the Base Energy state are the 'fastest' (electrons, photons) and have the least gravitational pull - which would move me to think almost of a 'state spectrum' which would look something like this:

I am also persuaded that the 'energy state' difference between quarks and photons is minuscule - but since each state has its own degree of 'glue power', it takes an enormous amount of energy (from our universe) to override the binding force and 'raise' the targeted element's energy level.

It would seem logical that the first element known to our universe was Hydrogen. If the Big Bang was the spewing of an initial 'goo spectrum' of base matter into our universe (dimension), the matter would 'bind' according to its state (energy level) - and the logical result would be our simplest atom, Hydrogen. Everything that happened beyond in our universe is consequential, but these reactions seem to tend towards an 'energy down' direction (elements stripped of all energy save gravity). In order for a base element to 'energy up' to the Base Energy level, something needs to be added to it; without that energy boost, a base element will be prey mainly to the gravitational pull generated by the degree of 'difference of state' between itself and the Base Energy.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Black Holes - addendum

I'd just like to 'touch up' some thoughts I had about 'mega black holes' - black holes with a mass so great that their cores have (possibly) been reduced to quarks and gluons. If the energy created by the massive compression was so great that quarks (and gluons) would be 'energized' enough to return to their 'perfect state', the black hole would lose mass until it became one with a core of highly compact neutrons. On the other hand, since fusion in elements beyond iron actually needs energy, an energy already consumed by the star during its collapse, I would find it highly plausible that the black hole would stabilize, no matter it's core's consistence.

One conclusion I have been able to confirm through all this is that gravity is the energy pulling an element towards its natural 'perfect' state, and all other forms of quantum-level energy push elements away from that state. In fact, I am even persuaded that there are only two forms of energy working at a quantic level - 'dead' energy (gravity) and 'positive' energy.