I'm sure that I've made it quite clear in earlier posts that I am increasingly persuaded that mass is the result of an EM (electromagnetic) wave's frequency surpassing its forward momentum, the universal constant C (the speed of light).
Research on the EM waves known to us show that the higher the frequency of a wave, the higher amount of energy it contains. The highest known Em wave we know, the gamma ray, has an energy content of ~1.24 MeV (Electromagnetic Volts). Now consider the smallest mass-bearing particle known to us, the quark, that has an energy content of ~2.4 MeV in its smallest ('up') form. Notice anything going on here?
There may be some confusion on the use of MeV (Mega electron Volts) to measure both energy (in EM waves) and mass (in Quarks), but this is due to the fact that an object's mass is actually its energy content - a phenomenon explained in physics' mass-energy equivalence definition.
If there is one constant in the universe, it's C - the forward speed of 'light', or in other words, the forward speed of Em waves. My idea lies around a 'transition point', and a different light behaviour, between the highest frequency EM wave known to us, and the smallest mass-bearing particle.
My question is this: what would happen if an EM wave's frequency surpasses its forward motion (or simply nears it)? I am playing with the idea that an EM wave, should this happen, would cease its forward motion and circle on itself, becoming a mass-bearing particle that has a charge (the direction of its circular direction) and energy content (or 'mass').
Considering this, does an EM wave have gravity? I can imagine that a wave's oscillation across its directional pole is due to some sort of 'central' force, but this force, spread out over the path (and speed) of its wave, must be practically immeasurable. Now imagine that force concentrated into a central point, that 'ring' created when an EM wave's frequency surpasses C - wouldn't that force be concentrated, perhaps even in an exponential way, around it? Could this be the origin of gravity?
Also explained would be the 'charge' a particle has: this would simply be the direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) of a 'light ring's oscillational direction.
And the binding force? We know that two particles of the same mass (energy mass) but opposite charges annihilate each other, and we know that two particles of differing mass and opposite charges can't. Yet note that particles that bind without annihilating each other are strict in their proportions - 'up' quarks (2.4 MeV and a +2/3 charge) bind only with 'down' quarks (having a 4.8 MeV mass and a -1/3 charge) - there is something going on in the mass/charge differential that creates a stable bond, or a constant 'over-under compensating' annihilation struggle. I'm sure that a meeting between particles are outside their respective 'ideal partner' criteria would result in an absorption, explosion and/or annihilation.
With this model I could propose that the beginning of the universe was an explosion in a spectrum of energy much wider than that we thought existed until now - only that the energies, or Em waves, with a frequency higher than C became the mass (quarks) that formed the base of all we know today, and that those lower-frequency energies just spread outward from their point of creation as our present knowledge determined they did.