Anyhow, a lot of present 'knowledge' (a lot of which has never been demonstrated) is based on hypothesis dating back to the early 19th century: the most cited of these is Maxwell's equations, themselves based on earlier observations of 'electromagnetic activity'.
Then and since then, they've taken the observed atomic (electron) behaviour and used it as a description of the actual content of an electromagnetic particle. I question this.
Because all that is based on observations of the behaviour of a -few- atom-types whose electrons occupy a 'sweet spot' that nears the 'event horizon' of its host atom's repelling force with other atoms (a sum of its parts' total 'mass' and charge), meaning that two 'sweet spot' atoms can in fact come 'closer' than other atoms whose outer electrons are further away from any neigbouring electron, meaning that they cannot affect each other's inner workings (but more about that later).
All of these 'sweet spot' atoms, because of their 'almost touching' outer electrons, easily transfer energy (heat) between them, and in some cases their outer electrons are held so weakly that a neighbouring unbalanced-charge atom will 'leech' them away... this is the base behaviour of electricity.
But those 'sweet spot' atoms whose electrons are near enough to their 'event horizon' to be affected by neighbouring atoms, but not close enough to it to be 'leeched', can be -synchronised- by a field of constant polarity... and this (imho) is the base behaviour of 'magnetism'.
Because if we add gravity (instead of 'magnetism') to the 'base elementary particle', what we have in the latter case is -synchronised gravity- (fulfilling 'magnetic behaviour').
Because if we observe gravity, we see that it becomes exponentially stronger towards its point of origin; in the above atoms whose atoms are 'almost touching', even though the actual 'size' of the electron may be small, the gravity must be great at that proximity (as would the energy it is retaining).
And gravity seems to extend to 'infinity' from that point of origin, but already at a short distance away it is next to 'nil'... but acumulate points of origin, and the combined 'pull' will add up, and if that 'pull' is synchronised (all electrons 'pointing in the same direction at the same time'), even more so, perhaps even exponentially (combined 'wavelengths'... observable even in ocean waves).
So if we have a point of origin, an energy, and an exponentially-stronger-towards-point-of-origin force that is that energy trying to get 'back' to it (gravity), in order to resist this force, the energy would have to be exponentially stronger/weaker with distance too: yet even stable, that energy is -there- orbiting the point of origin, and it's that constant gravity-energy 'difference' that is the origin of the constant 'c'.
The rest is 'consequential behaviour'... 'light' is a low-energy 'complete' particle that is 'chasing' its energy excess, with an oscillating 'polarity', in the direction it was thrown in: super-gamma-energy particle energy has (somehow) 'split' between polarities (as described in fermion pair (creation/annihilation)) that pull at -each other- with a force beyond gravity, stopping their forward motion.
That would make mass (in the classical sense) 'mismatched particle pairs', and I've already written about that extensively elsewhere.
In any case, the 'gravity vs. energy' model ties everything together, or 'clicks'.
But please, shoot me down.
In any case, the 'gravity vs. energy' model ties everything together, or 'clicks'.
But please, shoot me down.