I've had time to think through my earlier physics mulling about the origins of the universe — today I am even more convinced than before that our existence (and that of all matter) is the result of a... glitch.
I was rather elaborate in my earlier posts, so I'll try to paint 'the big picture' of my theory in simpler terms.
Imagine an energetic 'state of perfection' — a mass of energy whose every particle is in an aligned state with its neighbours in both speed and direction (and most probably what we would call 'inert'). Within there is no up, no down, no past, no future. No matter where one moves within, his surroundings would be exactly the same. This perfect state, I think, is the origin of the 'dark matter' that is probably the most dominant energy in our universe - and all universes in all dimensions.
Now imagine a disturbance, an explosion if you will, within. The 'disturbed' energy is forced through other 'inert' energy, disturbing it in turn (think eddies of water), in a 'flow' that has both form and direction.
I think that it is the difference in speed between the two energies that is the 'origin of everything'. I tend to think that the disturbed energy would be 'attracted' back to its original inert state — a force the origin of what we call gravity.
I'll assume that all the matter we see around us is the result of energy moving in the same direction. The form the matter takes depends on the difference in speed between it and its 'perfect' state: I can explain this with two elements, photons and quarks (there are actually sixteen types of elementary particle, but let's just stick to two in this model for simplicity's sake). The larger the difference in speed an energy has with its surrounding 'perfect' state, the higher the gravitational attraction between the two; beyond a certain difference level, energy would develop mass. I think the quark is about at the level where this transformation happens.
If the quark is the base element for mass, everything above it in the construction chain (hadrons, electrons, protons, etc) is but consequential, and the interaction between the elements created is already explained in the laws of physics we know today.
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