What set me off towards this blog-entry's title conclusion was my research into the demonstrable aspects of electromagnetic radiation theory: I was wondering if the mechanics of light had ever been observed. Even before going there I was quite aware that observing electromagnetic radiation (henceforth 'EMR') is well-neigh impossible, due to the conditions that Schrodinger outlined so succinctly, but I was wondering if some 'non-classical' testing methods had ever been devised, especially since CERN entered operation.
But all I got in response to my questions (even to some professors of prestigious universities) were (often condescending) references to Maxwell's theorems, themselves based on Farraday's findings before him. I parsed these from every angle for some insight into the inner workings of EMR, but these, in spite of them being presented as 'accepted fact', are but theory, as, to date, the inner workings and mechanics of EMR has not been observed. And there is obviously something wrong with these observations, as phenomena such as those observed in the double-slit experiment still have no answer, although many are doing their damnedest to make those observations 'fit' Maxwell's theorems mathematically.
And there I noticed that most all experiments 'demonstrating' EMR's inner workings were using at least one of the 'conductor' elements, that is to say an atom that has a 'sweet spot' created by a rather weak 'charge surplus' that would be the sum of the nucleus and inner electrons; any electron attracted to this would have an orbit towards the outer 'reaches' of the atom's overall charge-reach, meaning that the electrons of two neighbouring same-element 'conductor' atoms would be 'closer' than it would be possible in any other atom; this is why and how they transfer energy (e.g., heat) and electrons (electricity) so readily.
This behaviour is more than obvious in experiments leading to inventions such as the electric motor, and it has been demonstrated that any intense-enough form of EMR will generate electricity (and resulting 'magnetic' waves) in a conductor element, but again, this behaviour is only that of those conductor elements. Yet here we have taken this behaviour and projected it into the workings of the EMR itself, and there's something fallaciously wrong with this: it's like shining a flashlight on someone in a dark room and, should they react, declaring that the the mechanics directing the behaviour of the person reacting must be the 'same' as the light from the flashlight because 'they reacted'. Hm, I have to come up with a better analogy than that.
Anyhow, underlying all this were the questions about 'matter' I have mulled over in earlier entries, and the one non-answer prevailing from all these is gravity; it's in applying my thoughts to the gravitational constant (simply put, that the gravitational 'draw' between two mass-elements grows exponentially with proximity) and the proximity of the electrons in the above 'conductor' atoms when things began to 'click'.
'Magnetism' is Gravity.
In short, I'd like to propose that what we call 'magnetism' or 'magnetic fields' is in fact 'synchronised gravity', or in other words, instead of a 'separate' force, just a different behaviour of an 'existing' one.I won't get into the math here, but when one keeps the 'exponential draw with proximity' of gravity in mind, and considers the proximity of a 'conductor' electron to its neighbouring atom, the potential draw between the two must be great indeed. But some conditions have to be met for that 'enhanced' attraction to happen: if we take two 'synchronised' iron atoms, the draw between the two will be the greatest when the outermost electron of one is farthest away from that of the other (and vice versa), that is to say, when the electron of one is 'most drawn' by the overall charge of an atom whose electron is as far as possible away from another atom whose outermost electron is closest to it. Repeat this behaviour across thousands or more synchronised electrons, and we see have a 'wave' effect when all of the electrons are pointing to the same 'side' simultaneously. This would also explain polarisation. And although this would happen in 'waves', the rapidity of an electron orbit is so extreme that this attraction would seem, to us slow humans at least, constant.
That's all fine and well on its own, but of course, if I'm going to remap that part of the model, I'll have to remap the rest. Of course, I came to the 'EMR is neither electric nor magnetic' conclusion only after remapping the rest, but, well, it all fits together.
So what is gravity?
As I outlined in earlier entries, I think that gravity seems to be one half of a whole that has a 'zero state'; the 'level' of that zero state is not important for now, but it could be a perfectly intertwined (and indistinguishable) gravity and energy; this could even be the 'fabric' of our universe behind the 'dark energy' (and 'dark matter') hypothesis.Anyhow, a fermion of any type seems to be a 'rip' in this fabric that caused the energy to separate from its binding force, and gravity is that 'zero state' trying to draw its energy back to it. The gravitational constant probably still holds true there, that is to say, the closer one gets to that 'zero point', the more energy it would take to resist its draw; I would like to (again) propose that both EMR and matter are that energy 'orbiting' around that zero point, an 'orbit' that becomes increasingly tighter as the energy 'resisting' it increases. I'm not sure what form this 'orbiting' takes (do the 'zero point' and the energy resist each other equally, orbiting each other (like a two equally-sized balls at the end of a string), or is the 'point of origin' zero point a fixed one?), but they are interlocked around one point in spacetime.
Just to avoid referencing earlier entries: I hypothesise that an EMW and a fermion pair are the same thing at two different energy levels; above a given energy level, the EMW wave 'splits' into positive and negative 'arcs' of the same waveform to become a quark and antiquark, or electron and positron depending on energy level, and that hadrons are formed by 'mismatched' halves of EMWs of different origins.
I would surmise that a rip in spacetime would release a gravity 'draw' that extends to infinity (becoming infinitely weak with distance) and would not be different in 'size' from any other (the energy resisting it being the variable here); if we imagine an electron, its infinitesimal size would create an extremely weak draw at any given distance, but its infinitesimal size also means that it is possible to approach the 'zero point' to such an extent that, towards it, the draw would be enormous.
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